

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What season are you in?

"Life is like the changing seasons..."  Jim Rohn

Do you find yourself in a season of Winter, right now in your life?  Maybe you have lost your job, have a loved one who is very ill, or have even lost a loved one recently.  Maybe it is something less serious, maybe you have been working hard on your 2014 resolutions/goals and the results are...well...just not showing up.  Are you working hard, eating right and the scale is not moving? Right now my winter season is just basic illness/viruses/tummy bugs that I cannot seem to get out of my home!  
First my son, then my husband and daughter, now my other son.
It will not end....or will it? 

Hold Strong!  Maybe you are in one of your winter seasons right now.  We ALL go through this. Think back through your life.  I'm sure you can quickly pick out those winter seasons you have endured, right?  The ones that stand out to me are of course the loss of my son, Tyler and soon after my sweet & loving Grandma.  Our time of infertility and the trials & tribulations that come with that.  There were rough patches along the way in my marriage.  Trying times that seemed would never end with my kids.  Even that struggle of trying to lose the baby weight after having the kids.
Can you relate?

The Winter season is where we learn how to survive.  How to handle the tough, cold, long winter nights.  Hang in there though, because what always follows winter?  

Oh sweet spring.  
It is refreshing.  We start to see the buds on the trees & the tulips begin to pop up out of the ground.  We see hope.  
We see things can get better.  
We see our hard work paying off.  Opportunities show themselves to us and we begin to see them.  Yes after winter comes spring, and so it will come to you as well.  

In this season of Winter, stay strong, value all of the things you can in your life.  Look for the good.  Find something that you can hold on to.  Treasure those special moments in your day to day life.  
See, because as you do these things, you are not only helping yourself survive your winter season, but you are also planting some fabulous seeds along the way.
Now note...those seeds will reap an amazing harvest in your life
...come the season of Fall.
So keep going, keep striving, keep doing what you know you should even if you are not seeing the results quite yet.  
Spring is coming...history show's it's true. 

Friday, January 31, 2014

February Challenge


February Challenge is Ab work Baby!  
 February means Valentines Day, 
the Month of Love...SO
I want to see you 
Work hard to make yourself proud.  
Find something everyday that you LOVE about yourself.
Are you up for the challenge?

Do what you can. 

Give it all you have.  
If you need to break it out througout the day then do that. 
Stay focused.  
Get it done.  
You will get better as you go. 
You can also find the challenge daily here.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January week 3

This made me giggle.  However,  how many of you have fallen into the "eating healthy and working out hard on Monday & Tuesday, then find yourself cheating a bit on Wednesday and by the end of the week...what...we are not seeing results?"  C'mon, I'm guilty.   Are you?  I think we have all been there.  It happens.  However, just be honest with yourself. This new healthy relationship you are creating with yourself deserves honesty.  

It's the third week in January and I knew this week was not going to show a huge chang on the scale.  I worked out (hard) I ate some really healthy meals and I ate some okay meals.  (not to mention it's shark week, here...sorry if it's tmi)  So getting on the scale I knew it was not going to show huge results...even a little result would have been good, but instead it was +1lb.  Surprised? Not really, it happens.

Do not beat yourself up when this happens and do not act all surprised either,  because you know when you start your week out great, it is awesome, but the great start will not carry you through the rest of the week, if we just cheat a bit here and a bit all adds up in the end when we are searching for those results.  Don't sabatoge your hard work.  Health & fitness can be simple, but it's not easy.  Stay focused and be careful, most of the time we are our own worst enemy.  I highly recommend you find yourself a great accountability partner or even a fabulous online group of people to help you stay accountable and on track.

Just a little food for thought!  Keep going!  Even with little set backs DO NOT GIVE UP.  You are worth the work, you are worth the results, you are worth the sweaty workout clothes, you are worth the delicious healthy food, you are worth the early morning wake ups, YOU ARE JUST PLAIN WORTH IT!

~Go kick some butt this week!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

2014 Fitness Journey

January 2014 has been off to an interesting start.  In December I was fighting a double ear infection.  Started antibiotics, took them all as I should and still had crackling in my ears.  So on to the second round of antibiotics, again taking them as I should and then wham hit with a cold/sinus infection passed onto me from one of my sweet daycare kiddos. Yes the sneeze to the face as I held her close is burned into my memory.  I could feel the virus invading, just marching it's way inside so excited to infect another human.  SO workouts have been little to none, as I just have zero energy when I try to become active.   Healthy eating is key and especially when the workouts have slowed down.  I am down 3.4 lbs for the first 2 weeks in January, starting to eliminate the added holiday lbs. I knew it was going to take work, but I decided it was worth the extra work for the extra treats and family fun.  

As for this virus/ear infection...what do I do now? Of course with all of this sinus gunk going on, my ears are still full.  Will it end?  Is there hope?  We shall see.  

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Blackened Salmon Tacos

Blackened Salmon Tacos have become almost a weekly meal in the Harmon house.  Quick, simple and so delicious.  When you find a combination like that...well, you just can't keep it to yourself.  Check it out and let me know if you give them a try. 

Blackened Salmon Tacos

1 tsp Chili powder
1 TBSP Paprika
1 TBSP Black pepper
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
3 Wild Salmon fillets
12 tsp kosher salt
2 TBSP grapeseed oil...or olive oil
organic corn tortillas

1. On a large plate, combine Chili powder, paprika, black pepper & cayenne pepper to make blackening seasoning.  Stir with a fork to combine. 

2.  Season the salmon fillets with kosher salt on both sides. 

3.  Press one side of the salmon down into the blackening seasoning.

4.  Heat a large nonstick saute' pan over medium/high heat and add in oil.  Once hot, add in fillets, blackened side down, 

5.  Cook for 2-3 minutes on the first side or until a dark golden crust forms.  Flip to the other side, reduce heat to low/medium and continue to cook for an additional 5 minutes. 

6.  Remove from heat and flake the salmon apart with a fork into smaller, bite sized chunks.

7.  Warm tortillas on the stovetop over a low open flame or wrap in a damp towel and microwave for 12-20 seconds.  Fill each taco with salmon and a dollop of Greek yogurt.  

I like to add 1/2 lime juiced and a pinch of cayenne pepper to the greek yogurt. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Our Christmas Around the World Fitness challenge

Christmas Around the World Fitness Challenge

Day 1:  Was Rest Day
Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:

Day 6:

Day 7:

Day 8: Rest Day

Day 9:

Day 10:

Day 11:

Day 12:

 Day 13:

Day 14:

Day 15: Rest Day

Day 16:

Day 17:

Day 18: